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A walk through the bush at Bullsbrook - July 2013.

Bullsbrook is a small country town, not far from Perth. 

The city lights of Perth are visible in the distance.

We started our walk just a little up into the hills that border Bullsbrook.

And walked by a large rabbit warren. 

A little infrared light helps us look - the undulating land makes them difficult to spot.  ( I forgot the thermals )

And we quickly find one. 

Nearby, the kangaroos are all visible, but are in the distance. 

We continue our walk, and pass some trees lit by the light from the radar dish for the local base.

And past a quarry - 

The office and a bulldozer can be seen in the distance ( approx 600 m )

A close up.

We continue walking 

Just making the most of the head-mounted gear which makes looking for wildlife  a lot easier.

Jamie has a helmet, but Skippy has a a skullcrusher - it works, but they are not the most comfortable item to wear. 

On the way back around, we spot some roos, these within 10m at the closest. 

And back to the car. 

Later we spot some roos across the field.  About 350m distant. 

You can make out three dark spots. They are the roos. We could make out features ( ears, etc ).

And where we were parked from the bottom of the hill ( about 150m away ). - The car is on the right of the shearing sheds.

A close-up.

And a little infra-red spotlighting for a fox. Overall, a good night. 

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